Baby in Bassinet

Hey ladies! I’ve been co-sleeping with my baby on and off since we’ve been home from the hospital. Now my baby doesn’t want to sleep in her bassinet at all and I’m having to have her sleep on me for naps and at night. How do I get her back in the bassinet? Anyone else have this issue?
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Do you use a swaddle? Are you getting any decent stretches of sleep at night?

I’d recommend a love to dream swaddle. Get your baby to be somewhat asleep on you then transfer Make sure their feet touch the bassinet before anything else x

@𝗄𝖾𝗅𝗌𝖾𝗒 does this work for 22 months old too 🤣🤣🤣 .her sleep is my real issue.

@Charlotte i only have a 4 day old so no expert but id try anything 🤣🫶🏼

@𝗄𝖾𝗅𝗌𝖾𝗒 1000% love the LTD swaddles and used them for all 3 of my babies. Honestly couldn’t recommend them enough! @Chelsea you could also try some things like white/pink noise, red sound activated night light, pre warming the bassinet with a heat pack and a t-shirt of yours so it smells like you (obviously removing both before you place baby down)

Thanks for the tips! I will give those a try tonight. As for the 22 mo old.. I have a 2.5 yr old who now wants to sleep in my bed too. It’s a bit of a circus at my house at night right now 🫠 Hoping it gets better. I completely forgot that newborns only give you a couple hours of sleep at most. Is anyone getting more than 2 hrs at a time?

@Chelsea my little girl is having serious witching hours on 12-4am constant on & off feeding. But during day and before bed she’s so good at giving us more hours Me & my partner are taking it in turns napping atm Take everyday as it comes 🫶🏼 I know it can be hard nevermind with your other little one too x

@Chelsea I’ve been getting 3-4hr stretches. And i understand the circus 🤣 it’s proper mad house rn - I tend to feed the baby when trying to settle my other two in their room

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