I combi fed my first and it impacted my supply I was the same though with not getting much from pumping.
@Sophie I completely agree! We have to give ourselves the same love and care as we do for our babies ❤️
FTM so winging it really but I breast feed during the day to keep my supply and pump at 2am when my supply is the most (this is kept in a mini fridge in the bedroom so husband can support at night). I was then using formula to do 70ml top ups as advised by the midwife. I was using the pre-made bottles of aptimal however you have to keep it in the fridge or it’ll spoil within 2 hours. The midwife also encouraged me to pump after every feed to get more of a supply but I don’t need to do that now my supply is in. We’re now moving over to powder as it’s more cost effective and less waste but we only started last night with one bottle before bed and she slept through the whole night from 2300-0400! Don’t know if this helps at all but thought I’d share
@Chloe that’s so helpful! Silly question, but was the powder easy enough? We’ve been using aptamil pre made as well but feel like so much waste! Also using formula for night feed and breastfeeding in the day. Good to know you don’t also pump - cautious not to have an oversupply and risk mastitis
We found the ready made stuff was too thick and was making our little one uncomfortable. She’s had less wind and less constipation since swapping over to the powder
The powder seemed a bit like a science experiment the first time ha but I’m sure we’ll find it easier the more we do it. The second one we made was easier. We had a tommee tippee portable formula feed maker arrive today so we’ll give that a try tonight and see if it’s any easier
I was planning to do exclusively bf from start but found it too hard so I do combo feeds so everyone can help out- I was gna pump but it harder to keep on track of it- so I decide to do formula mainly with bf as snack/ top up to keep my supply going. It working well for us! Do what best for u! I switched from aptmil advanced to cow&gate as its always out of stock in my area and normal aptmil my little one struggle with gas/ constipation with that. Making the formula is straightforward- 1 scoop per oz (30ml) but it depends on brands.
Following as also looking to combi feed and would like a cheaper option than the pre made bottles. Also wanted to say it’s great to know not alone in tough decision to combi feed - I think it’s better to prioritise mental health and a fed baby is best