Not sleeping in the day..

Anybody else’s baby just not sleeping in the day, napped like 30 mins all day and he’s been up since 6am. Honestly hell atm😂 Very very cheeky.
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Mines the same unless she’s actually asleep on me 🥴

My girl is 12 weeks on Wednesday and constantly fights her sleep in the day time. Iv started having to take her up to bed in a dark quiet room that's boring! This is the only way she will sleep during the day. Xx

@Coadie oh god. Must be a sleep regression surely🥲

Mine 10 week old is the same unless she’s on me, my parents,my fiancé or in her sling (so regardless she’s on me) 😂😂😂

Had that last week. More than 6 hours awake..crazy. mine will be 14 weeks tomorrow . If in her buggy will sleep more 3 hours perfectly on the move. Still waking up at night. Mama wants a break

Hey glad I’m not the only one my bub literally never naps in the day unless on a walk, on me etc. I’m getting worried as surely he needs more sleep 😅

Mine is exactly the same! Won’t sleep in the car seat or pram either x

My little boy will only sleep on me or in the sling etc during the day! Usually for a few hours. Today, well he’s had 2 x 45 minute naps and 2 x 20 minute naps (all contact naps) he just won’t stay asleep. Exhausted!!!!

Mine has done the same today, awake for over 6 hours and fighting naps all day regardless of how we usually get him to sleep it didn’t work today and wouldn’t keep him asleep! And he’s 10 weeks

What will happen to this generation? May God Help them

I went on a 2 hr walk with my overtired 10 week old in her carrier this afternoon. My back is in bits.

Not easy!!

He’s so cute

Looking at the comments it’s quite normal around now🥲Really thought I’ve been doing something wrong. My boy won’t sleep anywhere either he’s very precise

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