Use lots of nipple cream 24/7. Lansinoh nipple cream was my go too and it’s safe for the baby.
If it goes away once baby begins feeding it’s likely just sensitivity which is usual in the early days. Your nipples aren’t used to being fed on for hours a day. Lansinoh nipple balm saved my life more than once!! Smother it between feeds and you don’t need to wash off before you feed unlike some others x
This is normal sadly! I was crying all the time in the first 2 weeks from the pain. I was told the same thing by my midwives and 2 LC, that the latch was good and she didn’t have a tongue or lip tie. It got better around 3-4 weeks for me and I think my nipples got tougher from EBF. It was recommended to try nipple shields which I did but they didn’t help with my pain personally. I did pump a few times in the early days to give my nips a break. I’m 3.5 months in and it only occasionally hurts when my girl refuses to latch properly or the let down is too strong. You got this mama, I hope this gets better for you! No shame if it doesn’t and you need to look into alternative ways to feed your baby 💛
I think this is something that isn’t talked about enough as they always say it shouldn’t hurt but I was exactly the same with being told the latch was absolutely fine and they didn’t know why it hurt but I think it’s just your nipples adjusting. I went through a stage of it hurting but it soon went away so keep going 🥰
i had it for about the first month. Silver cups and the Laninsoh cream really helped initially. Eventually that stopped working and i actually found going bra free and putting nothing on them was best as i think they were staying wet all the time. I was screaming in pain latching him through the worst of the cluster feeding as he would feed for up to four hours in one go😭 It eventually got way way better, i just had to power through. I did try shields but didn’t get on with them although i know people love them
I also have flat nipples and my daughter's latch was good but always painful. I highly recommend looking into nipple shields! They help pull the nipple out so it's easier for baby to latch and they really help with the pain. Medela is the brand I used and I loved them but make sure you measure your nipples to ensure you get the right fit or your milk won't flow properly.
This can be normal but can also be a sign of poor latch. I found babes mouth was quite small so being of feeds would be quite painful, but would settle as the feed went along and she got it in her soft pallet area
With both my girls, it hurt the first 2 weeks to maybe a month. My second daughter had a little more trouble latching and it got bad, my nipples cracked and one bled. I have a high pain tolerance, but it hurt so bad when she would latch and it took a few minutes for the pain to go away and all I could do was breathe through it. It was awful, I'm still surprised I give up, but I was determined to breastfeed. Baby girl is now 16 months and she still nurses for nap and bedtime. Only reason is it hurts now is cause she has teeth and she gets a little bitey sometimes lol
Thank you all so much for sharing your personal experiences. It helps to know I am not crazy for being in so much pain and gives me hope that the pain will go away eventually and there are ways to address the pain in the meantime 💕
It is normal in the beginning ☹️ I also had flat nipples, you can try using a nipple shield or pump for a few minutes before latching your baby. This helps to make your nipples a little “perky” & it’s easier to latch baby. I used a nipple shield for the first few weeks & didn’t need it after that because my baby basically “molded” my nipples after latching so much & so often. Haha hope this helps, you got this mama 🫶🏼🫶🏼
Yes it’s normal for about 2-3 weeks then it goes away.
I had nipple pain for 3 months with breastfeeding due to poor latch. Baby didn’t want to latch well because my milk was too fast but at 5 days pp latching hurt a lot too. It should get better around 2 wks I think. You can try cooling pads and put breastmilk on your nipples