Exact same thing. Makes eating dinner really enjoyable…Try to get outside maybe? We are doing carrier walks and it’s helped sometimes. And baths. It’s atleast a few minutes of reprieve from the crying orchestra
I was just on the phone with my doctor talking about this!
It’s so hard! She told me to pump during the day, so I’m ready just in case
I’m sure they grow out of it. My baby did it from 1 week to about 4/5. Now he rarely does it. We would just walk around, rock him, until he napped or his next feed, then it would calm him down. X
I was lucky mine would always calm down for a feed; we pretty much kept a constant bottle in her mouth during those hours for 3 weeks solid. 😅
Omg yes!! From 11-12 pm for me!!
Mines from 3-6 and those are the hours I go into a deep sleep 😭 so I’m fighting for energy in the morning to have with my toddler.
Mine just randomly started, didn't go through it with my first and it freaked my husband and I out.
Yess around midnight it’s so hard😩
Yes around 8 or 9pm everyday 😩
My baby girl does 12am-4am 😭 or sometimes 2am-5am. We just end up feeding her good and let her stay up with us. Or give pacifier to soothe her if she’s not hungry but fussy. I didn’t want to introduce binky too early but we only give it to soothe her for little and take it away. Or sometimes just let her have my boobies to soothe suckle and she will just repeat that calm, zone out , be fussy , and repeat. 🥺