I’m 2 weeks ppd & wonder if I’m pumping a normal amount!
Supposedly your supply isn’t established until 30-40 days PP so keep hydrating nourish your body and keep at it! I was told to pump at least 8 times in 24 hours pump/breast
Hydrate with water and electrolytes (liquid IV or Gatorade), eat oats, and pump for at least 10 min each side
I would recommend eating lots of oatmeal or yogurt w granola oats and body armor drinks those helped me a lot plus pumping every three hours on top of bf
Girl I literally just had this problem. Just let your baby latch your body will make a sufficient amount of food for them. Cuz I was pumping almost 8 oz and then it dropped and I could Carly get 2 oz but I just started having him latch and my body had slowly been increasing my supply back up
Try coconut water I heard that helps also if your baby is cluster feeding keep letting the baby breast feed so that way your body will trigger to produce more milk. Also your babies stomach is not big at all don’t be worried I was swell
Make sure you are hydrating a lot! I alternate coconut water with regular water throughout the day Also— fennel tea helps with supply as well