Owlet help

Hey does anyone have any experience with the owlet and having false alarms? My baby is 2 months old and I’ve put the owlet on him every night and not had any alarms go off. Until about two days ago I had a red alarm go off for low heart rate and oxygen. Heart rate was in 50s and oxygen 72%. I ran over to check on my baby as he was in the snoo and he was wide awake? Just starting at me? I picked him up worried but he was absolutely fine. Fast forwards two days it happened again but this time only for low oxygen- again 72%. He was awake fussing in his bassinet. When I pick him up he seems absolutely fine? I don’t understand what’s going on as this seems to be a new thing but I’ve not noticed anything wrong with him at all and now I’m getting worried. My partner wants me to go doctors about this but I’m worried they won’t take me seriously as I’ve seen no other symptoms of anything being wrong? But I’m worried if I don’t take him doctors I’m just being ignorant?! I’d really appreciate some advice as I’m really not sure what to do!! :(((
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I don’t have any personal experience with the owlet, but my LO spent some time in NICU and I remember his stats used to drop if he was shuffling about. Could this also cause some false alarms on the owlet? X

We use the owlet sock too on my 4 month old and we had a false reading once while he was shuffling in his cot and his dad was playing with him and it said low oxygen. I never thought anything of it because I was right next to him watching him when it happened but I can imagine it’s so scary if you’re not! Personally i wouldn’t worry - it’s not designed to track a moving heart rate / 02 sats so it will get these wrong. Also a false alarm is better than none. You could always get a GP to have a look at him especially at his age, a doctor wouldn’t refuse to see him, even if it’s just to ease your mind 😂

I meant to put 🥰 not the laughing emoji (I’m exhausted haha) xx

So scary when the alarm goes off isn’t it. We have only had it once and baby was completely fine - just that the sock had moved. Make sure you put it on snug enough. I think sometime cold feet can also impact reading. I’d keep monitoring and if it keeps happening then maybe go to GP. I’m not convinced they’d do anything just based on the odd owlet reading but always get medical attention if you’re worried x

This is why a lot of nurses won't recommend the owlets or other devices. They aren't medical devices and aren't meant to be taken as a medical reading. The false alarms can cause unnecessary anxiety or, conversely, parents can be falsely reassured if the reading shows nothing wrong, and ignore other warning signs. Tbh if you have any concerns, see the GP, they will (or should) never laugh you off. But in all likelihood if baby seems to be fine, is showing no other symptoms, and seems content and happy, they are most likely just fine.

Thank you everyone!! I really do feel that it’s just false alarms from the sock moving when he’s shuffling about as he seems absolutely fine otherwise. It’s just so scary hearing that alarm 😅 the last couple days I’ve been putting a normal sock over the owlet to try keep it in place better and it’s not happened since. I hope it stays that way 🥰

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