I don’t think I could cosleep as we haven’t got another bed my husband can go in and I know I’d be awake all night worried as my anxiety with her is quite high so I’m literally at a loss 😢 I did have a nap with her in the day yesterday but by the time I’d fallen asleep I only ended up having 10-15mins before she woke back up so it hardly seemed worth it!
Is there maybe a sofa he can sleep on? That's what we do. Its whatever works for you but honestly we tried everything we could think of and nothing else works. She still can't sleep by herself, not even naps x
My boy is the same. Does 3 hours first stint then refuses to go back in his next to me. My husband sleeps on the sofa atm! (His choice so he gets a decent sleep for work). But it does make co sleeping easier x
Can you take turns holding her? Ours did this until she was 8 weeks and although she’s going down now, I know it could go to pot any time! For weeks we did shifts 9pm-1am and 1am-6am. It meant I got 4 consecutive hours sleep and my husband managed fine with his 5. As much as he has work, 1-2 hours is not enough for you (I nearly lost my mind from sleep deprivation so just speaking from experience!) Hope it gets better soon
My husband holds her from 5am every morning to give me a few hours before he goes to work (which is usually great, especially when she was doing the 4.5 hour stint!) but yesterday she wouldn’t even settle on him 😅 she has however just done 1hr 37mins and annoyingly it might have been longer but she pooed which she never tends to do of a night - so I at least feel like I’ve regained a bit of sanity getting more than half an hour in one go!! Thanks for the support/advice ladies x
My little one has gone for doing a 4-6 hr stretch to literally waking up every 1–2hrs. We’re already on wake up number 3 of the night and it’s only 4am 😴
I co sleep, which I prefer, I think it’s me at this point that won’t put her down rather than her not wanting to go down 🙈 never did this this late on with my first. My partners still in bed too, she’s on the other side of me with the next to me there so she can’t go anywhere
It might be a growth spurt that always messes with my little boys sleep. I'm with you I can't cosleep my anxiety is way too high I can't fall asleep if hes in my bed im way too scared of squishing him. I have this fisher price mobile for the side sleeper that has a sound machine you can eventually detach and use a table top one once the side sleeper is no longer needed even if my little one wakes up and I know it's not for a feed or a change I pop that on and he's back to sleep after a few minutes. He's definitely been sleeping longer since we made it part of his bedtime routine as well
Also an owner of a non-sleeper 🙋🏻♀️
My 12 week old is going through the same 😩
https://purflo.com/baby-nests/ this could be an option dependent on how you feel about it. Traditional baby nests are obviously not ok for unsupervised sleep but the purflo ones are approved for overnight sleep, although not 100% sure who approves it, so you would need to do your own due diligence and see what you think. We mostly co sleep but I occasionally use this as an alternative. He sleeps really well in it during the day, I think the cocooning effect helps settle him.
All we do is co sleeping cause ours can't sleep by herself at all x