you always pump when you feel engorged and not with your baby
I’d pump a little bit for relief and also because if baby is not emptying you and then eating again, baby may be getting mostly foremilk. You will regulate and stop leaking around 3 months pp. It’s nice to have a freezer stash anyways!!
Quite normal in the early stages! You’ll get to a point around 3 months where it regulates itself and you won’t be soaking through pads like you are. I resorted to sanitary pads to soak up milk at first, they collect much more than breast pads!
Time. Initial engorgement is primarily inflammation. If they're sore, anti-inflammatory medication and cold compress. They'll settle with time and you'll think your soft bitties aren't providing (they are, but it's a mental stuff) Definitely don't pump until your supply has regulated.
I didn’t pump till 5 months pp. I still leaked like that too in the beginning. It does get better but not for a while. I would soak the bed every night for months. Your milk supply will regulate. It’ll just take some time. Just keep feeding on demand and it will work out!
It's normal to leak a lot early on. I'm nearly two years in and haven't leaked or worn breast pads since baby was about 4-6 months.
not everyone get clogged or mastitis.. the first and only time i got clogged was the very next day after i got home and massaged pumped and had him feed from it and that was that. here and there i get engorged but have no issue.. it really all just depends on you and your body