anyone attempting to start potty training yet?

my daughter keeps taking or trying to take off her diapers and having “accidents” after the fact (ex- peeing on the floor, poopin in the bath.) so i got her one of those transition potty seats that just goes on the regular toilet but she just sorta hangs out and doesn’t go but at least twice now the second i take her off she’ll pee on the ground before i get her diaper on 😮‍💨 i notice she is seemingly most comfortable to do either standing stiff as a board. so idk if the sitting just throws her off or what is it just too early? or do i need to be keeping an eye out and moving her to the potty right when she starts so she knows she can go sitting too? obviously im not expecting perfection and no more diapers yet lol. but i do think she’d be more comfortable if she understood (to some extent) that it was an option and she didn’t have to be in a diaper allll the time
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Heyyy mama, I don’t think it’s too early. She seems ready but just taking her time. I’m currently potty training my 13m old. He will grab his diaper to let me know he used the bathroom or has to go. So, I brought him a potty and he will go lift up the toilet seat when he has to potty and or grab himself. Most of the time he will potty. Sometimes he even potty’s before I can sit on the potty. Mamas is definitely ready!

I definitely think she's showing signs of readiness! I think it'll take some time but good to lay the foundation at least at this stage. My daughter is not quite there yet. Side note: I was just warned by my sister (who has a 4 year old in pullups) that she wishes she started sooner. They waited for her to be ready but then they have been potty training for like a year and a half now. (She's generally a stubborn kid and then she's also going through a bit of regression because they just had a second baby.)

It seems like your daughter is showing signs that she is ready to start potty training. If you aren't already, use the sign for potty whenever you put her on the toilet or you notice that she needs to go. Get a little training toilet and either have it in the bathroom or in her play space. I know that for many kids who are older, having it in their play space helps so they can just go sit when they want to/need to.

We did elimination communication at 9 months she started pooping in the potty but she doesn’t tell us she’s going. We see her face and put her on the potty. We also put her on before/after naps and we get an occasional pee in there too.

My son hates diapers and is always taking them of so I sit him on the potty

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