Anyone else finding the morning nap hard work all of a sudden??

He used to go down so quick in the mornings and now he is taking AGES. I’ve extended his morning wake window as well
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The morning seems fine still but the second nap seems to be getting more difficult 🫠

Doesn't matter how long or little this guy is awake, he starts giving all the cues and yet still won't go down sometimes for an hour. 🫠

My baby has stages when it takes ages for him to fall asleep If it happens for 2 days in a row, I tend to take him for a walk for his first nap and he would usually fall asleep easily outside, and the second nap would be smoother as well

In the middle of the battle this second 😅 currently cuddling him knowing he's gonna wake the second I put him down, pull his dummy out and laugh at me 🙈 He is so angry awake because he's tired and then happy as Larry awake in his crib, as long as I'm in the room that is. Then I leave (thinking about getting a shower in a sec) and he screams blue murder. Think starting nursery (today's not a nursery day) has something to do with it all too! Oh also the second nap of the day is becoming a nightmare too - we are having contact naps in the afternoon or sometimes giving up and bringing bedtime forward. What fun! 😆

@Lucy When you say angry, have you hit those brutal frustration tantrums?

Maybe he’s ready to have 1 nap a day, I kept putting my girl down for her morning nap but nursery asked me to try just keeping her awake until 11:45/12 and she did it first time no issues. Now she’s just having one long nap midday x

I moved my son to one nap a day about a month ago - works a lot better for us! He was fighting the second nap

@Saloua yes I think so!! He wants to be on the move all the time, and has lots of time and space to crawl/pull up to stand but he's angsty a lot at the minute! Gets super shouty when he's tired. I think they are just developing so much and everything's changing for them at this age. I might gradually see if 1 nap a day works better as others have said, he just seems so little for it and like you said, gives all the sleepy cues!

@Lucy I definitely sense frustration in this guy. He's always been vocal but sometimes it's more of an aggressive vocal, shouty like you said. 😅 And we're noticing a lot of changes/developing in him too. He still naps 3 times a day, unfortunately at best his naps won't be longer than 35m so he's not ready to drop one. Hopefully things get better for all of you guys!

We are somewhere in between 😂 It depends in his mood i would say and i try to follow his lead because we are going through tough days here

@Saloua oh so it’s not only my little guy having those?? I thought that i am doing something wrong as a mum as he seems angry lately and he screams if he doesn’t get what he wants and i thought that it was only us because it seems too early for the tantrums phase. Thank you for making this comment; you just made a mama feeling better now 💙💙

@Asteria Nooooooo, it is not you and you are not alone! I felt the same way, sometimes I'm just talking to him when he's tired and it's 0-100! 😫🫠 I genuinely am SO glad to have you feeling better because this journey will really have you questioning yourself and feeling guilt when you're doing everything in your power to do what you feel your child needs! 🫶🏼

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