My biggest tip would be to let your child lead, if they're not ready, willing and able it will be a s**t show, trust me. I tried to train my little boy twice and he was just terrified and wouldn't go, so I gave up both times on day one and went back to nappies, I didn't want him to be in fear. On his third birthday he told me he wanted big boy pants and to 'wee like Daddy' so that was that, he was fully trained in a week (dry day and night and all poos on toilet, telling me he wants to go etc and taking himself to the toilet) also to add, I didn't train night time, you can't, it's hormonal but he did it all himself x
My son was a nightmare, wouldn’t go. Would hold it for hours completely naked until he was shaking and still wouldn’t go. I realised when he had his undies on he would wee. So as soon as he’d start dribbling I’d put him on the potty. A few accidents and then he picked it up very quickly from there. Almost immediately. Had a couple of wet nights and has been dry since.
Definitely let her lead the way for when she is ready. What worked for us was when we were home we let her run around with no pants on and had a potty in the room with her. When we saw her start to squat or look uncomfortable we would take her to sit on the toilet. We didn’t make a big deal if she went or if she didn’t. Just a gentle good job or good try. We also read her the Peppa pig potty book and the Elmo uses the potty book and she was obsessed with it so that was a good introduction. When I would go to the bathroom I would take her with me and talk to her about what was going on and then ask her if she could hand me toilet paper or if she wanted to flush the toilet after I was done.
They have literally just had an apparent potty training expert on This Morning. If you get a chance, you can catch up on it on either ITVX or possibly on YouTube a bit later. It might give you some ideas.