Before you decide what you’ll do you should know the research behind it. Babies rely on us 100% for every single thing. When babies are crying that’s because they have a need that’s unmet whether it’s emotional or physical. We also need to account for hidden gas, it’s not always noticeable but sometimes they wake up so much cause they’re gassy. My son was this way and I was a walking zombie for 18 months also going through severe ppd and doing it mostly alone. When babies are left to cry by themselves for a prolonged period of time they don’t “fall asleep” they pass out from exhaustion from screaming for so long their body gives out on them. And during that time they’re wondering where you are or if you’re coming back. It’s almost like you being in the worst place of your life (to babies this is whenever they have a need as their brains are so underdeveloped) and you called out for someone to sit with you and hold you but instead they ignored you and locked the door so you can’t leave
Pt 2. That would be devastating and probably make it so much worse until you cried yourself to sleep. And you’re old enough to understand what’s happening, they aren’t. There are other methods you can try id look into gentle sleep training methods
@Samantha hi, so I think you missed the title of my post because I thought the chair method was the gentle sleep training I haven’t started yet so I don’t know exactly how it works but I have not plans of just letting my baby cry and walk away I would never do that but at the same time I do need a change because I don’t like the person I’m turning into due to not sleeping that’s why I’m considering this method which I was told I can comfort him and pick him up while doing the training again I don’t know everything and how it works because I haven’t started it and that’s why I’m asking about it.
We did the chair method and it was fab - I couldn’t leave my baby to cry , the chair method allowed him to learn to settle in his cot alone and not cry knowing we were still there. First few nights we sat next to his cot then we sat on a chair in his room whilst he fell asleep in about 5 mins. Now he is just 2 we just lay him down say night night and leave. He sleeps 12 hours xx
I also did the chair method and it definitely took a little bit more time because he always wanted to be held and rocked to sleep, I also recommend putting in a blanket or something that smells like you, but we placed it in there until he fell asleep and then I took it out so I knew he was sleeping sleeping safely.
I’ve never heard of the chair method, I thought maybe it was a mistype. I fully understand we did gentle sleep training and there’s no issues with that. A lot of people let their babies cry and I wasn’t sure ❤️
@Neli I’m not gonna leave my baby cry, I do not agree with leaving babies to cry alone and I’m already stressed enough to receive this kinds of comments that don’t stop and read what the question is about before commenting!
@Aria thank you for your answer! how long did it take him to falls asleep the first day and how many days until you start seeing improvement?
The first two nights we’re really rough because he just kept looking at me and giggling so I tried not laughing😂 He also was waking up every hour to two hours in the night so we would just go in there lay him back down and give him a kiss pat his butt and then sit in the chair but kind of turn away from him also so I could watch TV and be awake on my phone and him not see it 😂 but after the second night, he has been sleeping through the night 10 to 12 hours. I will say I did not sleep those two nights and they were horrible, but it was so worth it. We did stay very diligent and not picking him up, etc. which I think made it worse and harder, but it helped in the long run
@Aria him giggling is way better than crying 🥹 thank you for answering! This gives me hope🩷
Of course! It’s hard and tough to be honest but it does help in the long run!
My current sleeping arrangement is i have my daughter by my bed. If she needs a little extra help I can reach over and hold her hand. When we move her to her room I plan on using the chair method.
@Ashley I wish this would work for me but my baby just wants me to hold him
I had the same thing when my girl was little & honestly, it got so bad I just let her cry it out & she adjusted to that so well. I would have the monitor near me but turned sound down & go take a shower or something to distract myself. The first time took her about 45mins but she adjusted to that so well & now goes to sleep so quickly as soon as I turn off the lights. She’s 18 months. I will be doing the same with my baby boy. My sister always told me that as long as you know they are fed & their nappy is changed, to not worry because you’ve done it everything for them so that they can sleep.