Nap Time

Where are you all having your little one doing daytime naps?? I go back to work next week and would like to have him on a better nap schedule and less power naps throughout the entire day lol. Thinking 2-3 long naps in bassinet at a set time would be good to tell our babysitter but wanted to hear what kind of schedule you all have going on! Baby is 12 weeks for reference 🩵
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Mine is 13 weeks and we still don’t have a routine unfortunately. I would more suggest going by the wake windows for this age and go off of sleepy cues! But if you can have a set schedule, more power to you!

I will say that I usually am able to put mine down for 1-2 good naps in the bassinet (usually the first two naps of the day), but the other 2ish naps tend to be contact naps. But I try my best to get her in the bassinet after a good wake window and 4oz bottle! Hope that helps!

I’ve been doing what I call a “practice schedule” I put my baby down for a nap at 9, 12 and again around 3 She takes little cat naps between those times too as she wants/needs. But that’s generally our outline. Later afternoons are a free for all 😂

@Megan this is what I’m thinking! I put him down in the bassinet today for naps instead of letting him contact nap. I just would prefer our sitter doing it in the bassinet for safer sleep when I’m not home. Plus I can watch him on the baby cam while I’m at work like a stalker 😂😂

@Hannah We are just trying to survive witching hours in the evening at this point 😂 He can nap as he pleases after 5 pm hahah

@Morgan 100%! I feel like it was just in this last week mine really started using the bassinet for the longer stretches finally instead of these mini naps. Was driving me bonkers!

We follow wake windows per the recommendation of a sleep consultant until 4 months (will be 3 months on the 16th) when getting into more of a routine will be helpful & potentially easier to implement.

I use the huckleberry app and it predictes naptimes based off of previous data of your babies naps as well as age appropriate wake windows. My LO is 10 weeks and last week she started sleeping 9.5 hours straight at night and if she's still asleep I wake her at 730 so she consistently naps around 845 and 12. The rest of the day is harder but the consistent bedtime and wakeup time seems to help her keep a loose schedule. But she sleeps 1-2 naps a day in her bassinet, one in the car seat as I go to the gym and one on me or on the floor if she falls asleep during tummytime

Mine has been going to daycare for 2 full weeks now and they do naps at 9 and 12 every day. Prior to daycare he did every single nap as a contact nap!

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