Stopping breastfeeding

I have decided to switch my LO to formula because I'm going back to work. He is turning 5 months this week and I thought it would be easier to start switching to formula. I’m wondering how it works. Because I will definitely deal with engorgement. So when he doesn't take the breast and it is engorged, do I have to pump? But if I do wouldn't the supply increase? If there are mommas who have stopped breastfeeding, please share what you did that helped you and if it’s possible to take medication to stop breast milk?
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Tighter fitting bras, cabbage leaves inside your bra, only hand express a little bit for comfort

Thank you! @Sharnee so the milk will leak? 😭 sorry for the silly question

Or use a haakka that it takes out the milk without increasing the supply

Thank you! @Valentina

I’d say hand express just enough so you’re not engorged or in pain then slowly reduce the amount your hand expressing. You might still leak a little bit of milk but it shouldn’t take long for it to stop

I’m exclusively pumping since my girl refused the breast at 19 weeks. I only just make enough and supplement formula when needed. I’m planning to pump at work and store for when I return home. X

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