Dummy weaning 😣

Firstly - I’m kicking myself for keeping it this long….secondly, any mummies out there recently weaned their toddler off the dummy? My son only had it until 6 months, so this is totally new territory for me! My daughter only has it for nap and night time, but she LOVES it (gets super excited to go to bed so she can have it and is an excellent sleeper) she does also have a cuddly bear she sleeps with at night too. But any tips and tricks on how to completely get rid of dummy without causing too much heartache and sleepless nights, would be really helpful 🙏🏼
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Im also frustrated I've kept it for so long 🙈 I've started taking it out once she's asleep (,we only use it for sleep), I wanted to see how she'd do and whether she'd stay asleep. So I'm gonna do that for a little while. I've also started warning her it's going to go away to another baby so it's not a complete shock. Gonna be painful I think either way 🤦‍♀️😭

Same situation over here 🖐️ if you figure it out let me know 😅

Following for the advice! My little one only has it for bedtime but would love to not need it at all!

Following as we are in the same boat! Just found out we are pregnant with baby number two so I think using the " it's going to the new baby" might work with him, fingers crossed!

For my son, we "lost" his and instead of replacing them. We just had some horrible nights sleep for a while. I've seen people do the dummy fairy or asked if anyone has a younger child the same dummy and then said the dummy has gone to another child who needs it

We are the same! Only for sleeping but he is buzzing to get it as soon as he gets into bed. He has a few teddies he loves, but as he's used to having both I don't think he will give up the dummy for them. We keep talking about the dummies going in the bin or asking him to give them to his little sister but I'm too scared to ruin a solid sleeper just yet whilst we also have a four month old 😂🤦🏼‍♀️ i think the dummy fairy will be our best option when he grasps a better understanding of it.

We are currently trying to wean our 2 year old and oh my god. We also only gave it to him during his daytime nap and night time only so he is now finding it super hard to soothe himself to sleep without it. The dummy was honestly his best friend. He used to LOVE IT SO MUCH. We started off by cutting the tip a little bit which he was completely okay with until he had nothing to latch onto😭 he screams and cries until he eventually falls asleep. I have tried everything else but nothing seems to be working. I gave him a selection of cuddly toys, i tried reading, i tried telling him stories, i tried rocking him to sleep, just everything. But he says he doesn’t want to sleep and cries and cries and cries like forever!

I’m also wondering when to wean the dummy, I’m due no2 in July and nursery told me not to even bother attempting this until a while after baby is born and my eldest will just steal baby’s dummy! But he’ll be 2,5 already by then. I’ve read some online course reviews like just chill mama which I might try.

My daughter use to have hers quite a lot especially when she was teething, long drives etc and when she would sleep and then i just switched to giving it her when she was going to sleep and then once she was asleep i would take it out. I did that for about a month and then once she woke up i started hiding it so she stops putting it in whenever she finds it and then one night it was hidden and she didnt ask for it she fell asleep without it. She went two days without it and then i just didnt give it her again. I thought it would be a mission but it was easy.

@Leanne i was worried about this too i thought when newborn comes and my toddler sees his dummy shes going to take it. She put his in her mouth once and then i told her no, thats for baby and she never did it again.

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