Is this normal?

Hi so I’m 24 weeks 4 days pregnant with a boy who will be my first baby and he feels so low like I haven’t felt him kick past my belly button and yesterday I’m sure I could feel him kicking in my vagina 😭 it hurts around my groin when I’m walking and pain in the middle of my back. Is all this normal with first pregnancy because I didn’t imagine it would be this painful already and I’m dreading labour as I want a unmedicated birth 🫣
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Honestly I’m in the same boat I’ve been experiencing the same thing since 20 weeks and I’ll be 27weeks tomorrow they say boys definitely are active I completely agree because when I was pregnant I didn’t really feel my daughter a lot but with my son he’s every where

Girl I am in the same boat. About to be 26 weeks tomorrow. I can probably count on my one hand how many kicks I’ve felt past my belly button. I will say those did just start. But most of the time they feel super low. I feel like I have so much pressure in my lower abdomen, I swear sometimes when I’m walking if I keep going I’m going to erupt. I got a heating pad to help with the back pain. I’ve also been contemplating an unmedicated birth. I’m just hoping with the right teas, and exercises it won’t be so bad or he’ll just pop out super quick 🙏

mine was like that when I was 24 weeks. I’m 28 weeks today and he still likes to kick really low

They say boys are absolutely active I know with my son to if he wants to be known he’s gonna let me know he’s awake or he’s hungry

I am 26 weeks and I swear little man is trying to kick his way out

@Alexis I’m ngl I need to start exercising and doing stretches but lately I’ve just got 0 motivation, I’m thinking of joining the gym but at the same time I’m so tired all the time I keep doubting it 😂

@Hannah haha same! I had a gym membership but cancelled it because I don’t go. I’ll bring a gym bag to work and plan to go to the gym there afterwards but it just doesn’t happen. We’re lucky if I go for a short walk. I’ve asked my partner to force me to go but he’s no help.

@Alexis literally the same thing happened to me I had a membership but I went after work as I finished at 2am did an hour at gym and went home but it only lasted about 2 weeks because I was so tired 😂 not been since but I’m thinking about going again it’s just I have nobody to go with so I’m not sure about weather to go or not

@Alexis literally the same thing happened to me I had a membership but I went after work as I finished at 2am did an hour at gym and went home but it only lasted about 2 weeks because I was so tired 😂 not been since but I’m thinking about going again it’s just I have nobody to go with so I’m not sure about weather to go or not

@Hannah lol There’s a gym on the opposite side of the city I live in that I want to go to just because there’s a spa lmao. I feel like that’s the only way I’ll be able to really force myself to go. It’s just so hard. I get out of breath so easily and get sore just from walking. But hopefully we’ll both get through this and both find the motivation to go back!

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