I would do a gradual change from BF to cows milk by offering it in the day but sticking to BF at night until he's comfortable with the cows milk so that you don't disturb his night time routine 😊 I would probably just give him the cows milk in a beaker if he's never had a bottle x
Would you heat it up still? I plan to introduce cows milk in his sippy cup at breakfast instead of water to ease him off morning feed x
We brush teeth before we go into his room and then give the milk in a bottle warmed up after his story while he’s in bed. I did a gradual change to cows milk but my lo was formula fed so I just reduced the amount of formula in the bottle and upped the cows milk every few days. He never noticed and we didn’t have any problems changing over. He now has cows milk cold on a morning in a sippy cup but warmed up in a bottle before bed.
I would heat it up as he wouldn't be used to cold milk just as yet😊xy