@Sarah and she doesn’t get confused with nipple and dummy? Xx
@Sarah anychance you could send a photo of it? And maybe in LO mouth don’t have to show whole face xx if you don’t mind xx
We’ve got the minbie dummy which has been great, he wouldn’t take any others we tried
I don't have any recent pics of her with it in her mouth, but I did a quick Google search and got these pics there. it's got a super wide latch and a shallow nipple and it's super soft!
My LG won’t take a dummy at all. We’ve tried multiple brands but she just gags and spits it out. 8 weeks old and EBF
nuk dummies were great for my little girl who was exclusively breastfed in the beginning xx
@Sarah wow they are pretty big 😅 does you LO get nipple confusion with these or not? And do they look odd? Xx
@Donna Woods what’s ebf? Xx
@Ellen this one keeps coming up on my Facebook! C
@Ellen do you still breastfeed? X
My LO, 15wo and EBF will not take a dummy and that’s the same reason I initially started trying to give her one, just to settle her sometimes. We have tried so many and keep trying every day a bit but she just spits it out with a disgusted expression on her face 😅
Exclusively Breast Fed
nope! she's never had any issues. we even tried a mam paci and one or two others that babies tend to love, but the Pacii is the only one she would even accept.
my daughter loves the Pacii, it's the only thing aside from my own breast that will help her fall asleep lol