Sounds like a lack of sleep pressure to me, I'd try more wake time or cap naps or both and see what happens. My LO was 6 months yesterday and his wake times between naps are 3 hours with 3.5 before bed, otherwise he isn't tired enough to get a proper night's sleep.
Don’t want to state the obvious but is she warm enough? Just thinking her new room might be a different temperature to yours
@Annabel i did think this as we live in an old house and its cold. She had a 3.5 tog sleep bag and a baby grow on and I originally put a short sleeved vest underneath. When I went into her when she first woke up she felt really hot so I took her vest off of her. The heating is on throughout the night so I’m not sure! She didn’t wake again after 11.55pm and has just woken now and for some bottle. So I’ve got no idea what’s going on!
@Amy I was trying to do that, but there was no way she’d have lasted between waking at 2.30 and not going to bed until 7ish. Hence the quick Power Nap at 4.45. She was absolutely desperate to go to bed when she was, nothing was entertaining her, she was rubbing eyes, yawning etc! Hoping we just had a bad night and she’ll soon settle. X
I'd suggest the same as Amy. My baby got used to the longer wake window before bed and can now manage 4 hours (although I know that's unusual for his age he is low sleep needs). I would cut down total day time sleep - how long has he been on 3 hours? Now they are 6 months they need less sleep than when they were 4/5 months. I'd cut down to 2.5 and see how it goes x
Ps - I had the same problem with baby being awake and wanting to play at 4am and I cut down day time sleep and it stopped x
Thanks! Will try that today!
@Lucy how much are they sleeping total in 24 hours? My baby is 12.5-13 hours, so if he's having 2.5 hours of nap he does 10/10.5 at night and any more just leads to awful sleep for everyone with loads of wake ups. We have bedtime at 8.30 or 9 for this reason! I know people enjoy their evening and having a minute so maybe just play with your timings and see what works for your family. I hope it helps!
On average about 13 hours a day.. it’s so hard isn’t it. She’s teething I think too!
@Hannah my LB is exactly the same as you've written here. I'm hoping it's developmental/ a regression and it passes soon🤞
I'm in exactly the same boat, she's 6 months also and is breastfed and formula. She's never slept more than 3 hours (big cot own room for a month now). She usually does 2 or 3 hours max and then wakes every hour. The only way to settle her is feeding to sleep which I tried not to do as it's not hunger, just comfort. For the last week or so, the moment I put her down she screams after a minute or two and will not go to sleep unless I hold and/or feed her. We might get a couple of half hour stretches for the rest of the night. I also don't know if it's teething/unwell/regression. Sorry I can't be much help... it's exhausting and you're not alone. HV tried to reassure me it won't be like this for ever...🥴 x