
Hi - i need advice for breastfeeding my 2.5 weeks newborn baby. She was delivered via c-section and i’ve not been able to breastfeed her as much as i would like to because of the pain in my stomach and stitches. My milk supply has not really increased due to this and as a result she is being bottle fed majorly. Is there anyway i could still get my milk supply back or increase it to the level she would like to have and so i can store it too? Or will i need to stick to bottle feeds only now?
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Frequent pumping would work. So even if you are not feeding her, express milk every 2-3 hours it will generally take one or two days and you will see the difference Try to latch her that will help also

Skin to skin time is also meant to help with supply. Try reaching out to your health visitor as they will hopefully have advice for you. Have you got someone around who can hand you baby to feed and take back when you're dine, as feeding on demand is a good way to establish milk. That was the only way I could feed with stitches Also, football/rugby hold takes some of the weight off.

Just keep latching her, every time she wants to feed, offer her the boob first, offer the bottle only if she isn’t satisfied afterwards. Even if she is suckling and not getting anything, the suckling is telling your body to produce milk. I found having ready made formulas great when I was trying this to increase my supply, cos sometimes although she was getting a little bit she was getting annoyed towards the end and it saved me getting up and disturbing her

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