Nursing strike

Has anyone's LO ever done a nursing strike? My LO is 10 months and she's been ebf since birth. She does take the bottle at nursery (once a week until twice a week recently) or if I'm not there which is only a few times since birth. She's just all of a sudden refused the breast since bedtime last night, she took some water just about but otherwise lots of crying. I thought it was teething since she has been recently. She finally settled after about 1.5 hour of mostly crying. But I woke at 2am tonight and she was still asleep so I made the decision to wake her to feed because it'd been over 12 hours since she last ate. Again she refused to nurse. So I tried a bottle and she took that and ate loads. I now think she was crying all that time from hunger perhaps but just didn't want to breastfeed. Feeling awful, she must have been starving. :( Really clueless why this has happened and finding it a little upsetting to be rejected. Everything I Google seems to be for younger babies going through this, and say it usually lasts for 2-4 days if they do start bf again at all. Tbh I wanted to stop breastfeeding about 1 years old so I'm wondering if this is just the end but I'm feeling very emotional about it like I can't really remember what the last time was like. :( Has anyone ever been through something like this and if so, what did they do? Did they start breastfeeding again eventually? Thanks, sorry for the long post.
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This happened to somebody I know and it turns out she was pregnant and her milk changed!! Just a thought… It’s very early for your baby to naturally wean so hopefully it’s just teething and she will drink soon x

@Amber Field oh my goodness I hope it's not that🙂 Thanks so much for commenting. Thankfully after a bit of hesitation she breastfed this morning! Never felt so relieved x

Phew! Our babies are hard work 😂 xx

Do you know if their baby resumed breastfeeding with that case or was it just the end?

Seriously are 🤣they take us on such emotional roller-coasters! Xx

Was the end them. The baby just didn’t want it sadly xx

This definitely isn’t everybody’s case though

Aw that's so gutting for her. It's the shock of it all being so sudden xx

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