Sleep through the night help!

No matter what I do, my baby will not sleep through the night! He’s formula fed. We’ve sleep trained, but has always needed 1-2 feeds throughout the night no matter how much we tried to sleep train him through that. We also have tried weaning him off which just makes him wake up more frequent to drink more. We’ve tried feeding the heck out of him during the day, sleepy time foot lotion, later bed time, dream feeds! Nothingggggg is working. Sometimes he’ll drink the whole bottle, others he’ll only drink a couple of ounces. He’s rarely hungry when he wakes up which tells me he’s ready to drop the night feed but HOW. Anyone else struggling with this? PRAYING starting solids in a couple of days will eventually help but I just don’t know.
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My baby has been on solids since 4 months and it’s made no difference to sleeping longer at night. My little man wakes up every 3 hours and I’m over it BUT atleast I know he’s safe 🫠

Unfortunately I think it’s just one of those things you have to wait for them to grow out of. :( it took 2 years for my daughter to sleep through the night. Every child is different though and yours might even one day soon just sleep through the night. It’s tough but hang in there ❤️ x

I know it’s so hard. Honestly the sleep side of parenting is the greatest test. It causes the worst inner turmoil. I would try to change your expectations abit. I know that’s probably an infuriating comment. But it’s normal for babies, infants and children to wake. If you hear of someone telling you their child sleeps all night long, they’re in the minority (or lying hehe) You can drive yourself crazy doing all the tricks under the sun, but ultimately infant mammals are designed to wake in order to survive. Some need to eat frequently. Waking regularly is actually also an anti SIDS mechanism too. I know you’re in America and I’m in UK but follow Lyndsey Hookway on Instagram for useful tips. But know that it’s normal and your baby isn’t broken. They will be sleepy teenagers you have to drag out of their room one day. Right now, how mammals sleep, doesn’t quite fit in with Western Culture. It’s tough ❤️

^^ this!!

yeah my 6 month old has only slept through the night once and still wakes up twice at night for feeds, solids havent helped even after drinking 25-30 oz a day, he is also rarely hungry when he wakes up and needs like an hour to feel hungry again, ik its hard to hear but at this age its so normal for them to still wake up, i follow sleepy cues wake windows all of it and im semi-strict about his routine (unless we’re out) and the needing at least 2 hrs of awake time before bed and he still wakes up, some nights hes up every 2-3 hrs like when he was a newborn

Your baby is too young to drop night feeds they should be fed on demand until at least 1 year as milk is their main source of nutrition. When they begin eating if anything it makes sleep worse as it can give them a bit of a funny tummy and they don’t eat anything substantial for a few months (at least in our experience). Very normal for babies and young children to wake frequently it’s protective of SIDS

Yeah if my baby sleeps through the night without waking up once I’m waking him up!!! lol yeah that’s not normal for a baby not to wake up at least one time a night wanting to eat. You are doing everything right mom I think like others said it will come with time. Hang in there. We are definitely all sleepy and tired moms 😃

Mine has been sleeping through the night since 4 months old. I do the same stuff every night. Solids , bath , bottle. She never wake up for a feed after that. Idk if that would help

My baby was sleeping thru the night but now is back to waking up two times thru out the night. He is formula feed and he is teething real bad.

My daughter hasn’t slept through the night since she was 4 months old now she wakes up every hour to 2 every single night. Count your blessings it’s only twice. Sometimes she doesn’t want to eat at all just wants to b held n rocked back to sleep. I’m exhausted 😩 but I wouldn’t change a thing she’s my miracle baby. It’s completely normal for them to wake up a lot everything @Hannah said is correct

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