That's so hard, I'm so sorry mama. I know it's not what you planned, but just remember that fed is best and you can always supplement with formula!
Just keep pumping and use whatever you can immediately. The rest can be used for milk baths
Ugh I’m sorry that IS a loss. It’s a lot of work building a stash. Totally ok to feel devastated about it. Any time I’ve spilled even a couple of ounces of milk I think of the expression‘don’t cry over spilled milk’ and tell whoever made that up to go f*** themselves in my head lol
🫢.... I'm so sorry for your loss.
Ugh, that is so rough. I can only imagine how you feel. I hope you can continue to produce and that your supply continues to maintain or maybe even bounces back a bit 🖤
I have heard that even if there are just a few ice crystals in it, you can save it. I am so sorry this happened though. I completely understand how you feel too.
So sorry to hear mama. It’s okay to supplement with formula.