Same. I know it has its frustrations but It will pass eventually. Enjoy the cuddles while you can.
We had a two week sleep regression. It was super tough. We have never been co-sleepers and only have a queen bed. I kept working with him to get back to his own bed and he did get past it. It was a lot of work and I barely slept but we are back to normal now. He does not breastfeed.
Me too girl mines 19 months
Kids develop separation anxiety at 18 months so they’re at the stage they realize you two are two separate people and not one being so want to be with you allll the time!
@Kerstin it isn't separation anxiety. He find for me to leave when he's awake and stuff.he contact napped since he was about 5 month old. But at night time it getting worse he needs to being on me all the time. He'd a night mare at times
@Melissa looks like u can get out bed I can't he's on me all night long if I move and stuff he's wake up screaming and wanting me
@Amanda bless ya yeah this isn't sleep regression as he'll wake and be straight bk to sleep once he's back on his mummy pillow lol he always been a restless sleeper since he could move he takes after his dad he's restless and ad to be touching me and he roll on top of my wee boy is now the same
My baby girl’s the same too! She loves her cozy naps with me. She still breastfeeds.