@Abs I appreciate that thank you! We have similar deadlines too lol! It’s brutal isn’t it?! But so worth it when done x
It definitely will be worth it. Not just for career prospects but the sense of achievement and the personal growth from doing a course. I’m guessing you’re doing open university?
I’m in the same situation. Husband just left me. I have a toddler who won’t go bed unless I’m with her and gets up with me even if it’s 5am. I’m doing my ba and have 2 essays left this year. I have no clue how I’m going to write them. Ones due April 10 and the other the big exam type end of may. I’m going to have to reach out and see if anyone can help while I do these two assignments and I’m hoping for next years. Year 5 of 6 that I’ll be able to find a nursery place for her so I can do my work. So sorry no advice just a bit if understanding and solidarity from someone else who’s there x