Nope not yet! I'm not looking forward to it coming back
Not yet! Didn’t get it back until 9 months with my first and a year+ with my 2nd and 3rd.
I am just about 7 months and no period, starting to wean her off boob slowly now so hopefully comes back soon!
Yes 2 months ago but yet to be a full cycle the last one was only a day
First baby it came at 3 months and they were full cycles still ebf
I weaned from pumping over a month ago and still nothing. I know it’s likely coming soon but I am not looking forward to it.
ah okay thank you everyone!! i was starting to get confused about it cuz it’s been j over 7m and nothing
the mind has been put to ease
I just got it this month.
I got iud at 2m pp and just stopped breast feeding/pumping 2 weeks ago.. got my first solid period last week
Not yet 😅
Yes I got it back months ago. My first two it was around 7ish months each time so I was not happy to get it back so soon lol