Same here I am trying to get my daughter to sleep in her crib by herself but nothing works
I was having horrible sleeping issues with my 9 month old and same issue cosleeping. We were not sleeping at all because she would be restless next to us and waking up all the through the night. Not sure where your baby’s crib is, but we had ours in our bedroom and would put her to sleep there and about an hour later she would be screaming to come into our bed. Our Doctor said the first thing is to move the crib OUT of your room. Babies can smell, hear, feel us and want to be close when we are around. She also said whatever you do DONT pick the baby up in the crib if she’s crying. You can rub their back, sing, hum, give a pacifier, anything to help calm them but don’t pick them up. You lose at that moment and have to start over. We did this and the first night was hell. Up every hour screaming. But we kept on. Second night was better, up every two hours, but just kept rubbing her back and singing. Third night. Woke up ONE time. Fourth night, slept completely through. Highly recommend.
Marissa do you breastfeed? How did you know she wasn’t hungry? Baby’s crib is across the hallway in another room. We will definitely be trying this thank you!
I stopped breastfeeding and we were using formula. She had already stopped eating in the night around 7-8 months. However the Doctor said that a lot of times they wake up out of the habit of eating through the night. Takes a while to break, but you can offer some water and like I said gently soothe back to sleep without picking up! That’s the big part, so they can learn to self soothe. It is really hard, but it was so worth it!! Good luck!
Thank you so so much I appreciate it!! Have a good rest of your day!!
You too!!
@Marissa I can stand the crying.. it legit drives me crazy- what do you do?
I know! That is the hardest part. It hurts so bad. But I was starting to lose my sanity from lack of sleep. Really affected my mental health. We did not just let her cry it out in her room. It helped that we took turns being with her when she cried. We tried to remain calm, rubbed her back, patted her, sang to her, just about everything we could do besides pick her up or feed her. Once she settled we would leave her be and only go in when she was crying not just fussing. So she could learn to self soothe.
I will say I wound recommend if they are still feeding during the night. That would be hard because you have to pick them up. It starts the cycle all over again.
@Marissa yeah I’m currently feeding every time but also she’s not on solids much so I’m worried she’s going to dehydrate or lose weight.. paranoid mama here 🤣
@Marissa I’m with you on losing sanity.. it’s really getting to me
I think solids really help with sleep! We feed our 9 month old 3 meals a day and she takes 4-5 bottles. Having those meals I think will help with feeding bottles at night!
Following……. Going on months and just gave up with the crib 😭 I’m losing my mind. That’s where I messed up to, she got sick and I was too worried to not have her next to me.