Nope! My baby will be 1 at the end of the month and I think he’s slept more than 4 hours in an overnight stretch less than 5 times. He’s also a breastfed baby and I’ve noticed that on some nights I can get away with cuddling him back to sleep but usually just nurse him to avoid being up for hours
My 1 year old still wakes to nurse. I've tried to sooth him without nursing, but he just gets more fully awake and pissed. 😕
My baby does the same. Only goes back to sleep faster and easier since we started cosleeping
It's definitely not just him! My son was sleeping with one wake but then we had to switch to hypoallergenic formula and now he's up at least 2-3 times most nights and only his back to sleep with a bottle. Then there's nights like this past one where we're up every hour.
My daughter wakes 5-6 times a night and I have to nurse her back to sleep still. This is every night and used to be 10+ times a night until about a month ago