@Alekhya Tirumala I’m sure you’ve tried all the tips and tricks to wean the nighttime feeds but this worked for me - I would go to my little boy in the night when he cried but I would offer him water, no milk, and cuddles. It took a few night of him not being very happy about it but he realised pretty quickly that there was no more milk. I EBF for 20 months and weaned him off at the start of this year. They adapt to change quicker than we expect. Lots of respect to anyone still breastfeeding, a magical but exhausting thing!
Thanks for the suggestion, Lauren. Will keep trying. I have tried offering him water, etc many times but he would just wake up, cry a lot and then lose sleep. I work full-time and my job is quite intense so I guess I'm just nervous about being too sleep deprived for even a couple of days, as it is my son is a terrible sleeper. But I'll try again and guess have to be more consistent with it.
Yes we are still breastfeeding and my son is 2 next month! I thought he would follow in my daughters footsteps as she stopped doing it herself at 9 months but this is a completely different story. I never planned on doing it still and I feel like it is time to stop I'm just not sure how as he absolutely loves it 🥴 My partner and nan keep saying i need to stop by the time hes 2 which makes me feel pressured. I'm a SAHM so I'm thinking once he started nursery in September he will naturally wean off? He's only just started sleeping through (co sleeping) but will sometimes wake for a feed still..
Still going strong, but my goal was at least 2y, very happy we're nearly there. Tbh, I'm not stopping any time soon, we cosleep too, so I get decent sleep even on not a great night, but she started to sleep all the way till 4/5 lately, so that's great Well done to all of us
@Samantha my girl is on nursery full time since May last year and is booby obsessed, so wouldn't bet on that 🙃
Ahh ok, I just wish I could carry on til he gets fed up with it but he probably won't 😆 plus doesn't help that I have family who have their opinions on it!
Well done everyone, still breastfeeding here...he feeds in the morning and evening mostly unless unwell then he is on the boob. Feeds during the night a couple of times, I'm so used to it now but miss solid chunks of sleep 😴
@Samantha I'm sorry that's the case with the family. It definitely isn't nice, but in the end it will be whatever you decide. Tell them you'll wait till nursery, coz he will for sure self wean and that way you don't have to deal with tears 😂😂 might shut them up for a bit 🙃
@Samantha my family are the same I wish it wasn’t frowned upon and people actually understood I’m undecided whether to try stop but I know if I do it will be sooo hard
Still breastfeeding. My son goes to Nursery so breastfeeds only before nap or sleep now but does wake up a couple of times at night for a feed. Gets worse when he's sick or teething. It's extremely tiring and I have tried many things to wean him off. During the day, he understands and stays off when I explain to him but during the night it's difficult to reason with a sleepy toddler. He cries a lot so I end up giving in. My husband has tried to deal with him when he wakes up, etc but he knows I am at home and will cry till I take him in my arms. Have had some good nights where he has fed only once. So I am hopeful that he will gradually just lose interest.