@Charlie I told them specifically it didn’t hurt and they told me that not all clogged milk ducts hurt, and they specifically told me to not use ice and use heat. I feel like they have absolutely no idea what they’re talking about.
I have been told by a breast feeding specialist team to ice my clogged ducts and to avoid massage
@Beth wow okay thank you at the point I’m willing to try anything
Try taking a lechithin supplement...
I've seen that you should feed as usual but get babies chin towards where the lump is. Whilst babe is feeding you can massage it towards the nipple. If nothing else helps I would definitely be asking for a second opinion at the docs!
I’d talk to lactation specialist. Mine told me to use warm compresses, massage towards the nipple, nurse baby or pump on that side and take sunflower lecithin
If it is a clogged duct, you need to ice it not use heat. It’s due to swelling so ice is usually the way to help but clogged ducts HURT so I would go back and ask them to check again!