I've felt like this too, even had a little cry a few times when she won't sleep for me but will for her dad. They just want us around that's all. I've accepted that I'm in a phase where not much else will be done. It'll come back round
It is super hard, I've been there with both my babies. It's known as a "false start", which can be because they are under or overtired so you could look into false starts and see if that might help. The only thing that has solved it for my babies is settling them in the crib and gradually moving to self-settling. For mine the issue was how they fell asleep and basically nursing to sleep just didn't work for us.
Firstly you are NOT selfish to want some ‘me’ time, it’s natural after spending all day with a baby - it’s hard work! My son is exactly the same and he’s 5 months old on Sunday. I think after the 4 month sleep regression it takes them a bit of time to come out the other side of needing support to sleep. Personally for me, I am still holding my LO to sleep, I’ve realised that around the 10 minute mark he lets out a big sigh and that’s my signal that he’s in a deep sleep and I can carefully put him down. However, it doesn’t always work 😂 try not to be too hard on yourself and maybe try to arrange and evening out with friends so that your partner can try it one night without you being there and worrying about what’s happening upstairs. You’ve got this mama xxx
I feel you x
You are just very tired. I feel you and I thought something like this too. He might be in the end of the 4th growth spurt and it might get better soon. If you can, try to ask someone to look after him for a bit and have a sleep or some time to yourself. You will feel much better.