Transition to cows milk

My baby just turned 1 but has refused the bottle since 5months old so we have been ebf. She will drink water through a straw cup but only water(a few sips) how do I help her transition to cows milk? I plan on bf her til she weans herself or til 2 but she’s a snacker. Can she just stick to water and bm from the tap.
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Switching to cows milk is supposed to happen when they’re getting enough nutrients from solids where they don’t need the supplements from breastmilk/formula. Currently my daughter has breakfast and supper with us and when her top two teeth finally pop thru we plan to add lunch. She gets 3 formula bottles a day and when she gets lunch we’ll be transitioning from formula to milk during the day. So breastmilk is totally fine until you guys work up to the nutrients needed and she really only needs water when she starts dropping breastmilk or formula for solids since those both are how she’s getting her hydration.

Try offering it in an open cup. Put only enough to barely coat the bottom cause they will throw or spill it. I keep the actual liquid in a separate cup then refill baby’s cup as needed. I did this with my oldest. He was particular about what drink went into which cup. So he had a milk cup and a water bottle and that was it. If you want to just color code the it that might work too. Like the blue straw cup is milk and pink is water?

This might be controversial. But with my first he only liked warm milk. My youngest likes his cold. My relative said only give it cold so they get used to it. But my mom said just warm it a little bit like you would formula and they eventually out grow it. So I don’t think either is wrong or right. I think whatever helps you kid drink some milk is best.

My baby is ebf. She eats about 3 meals a day also. I don't plan on cutting her off the boob any time soon and I don't plan on introducing cow milk at all.

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