pls help!

my 7 month old has been sleeping through the night pretty much daily since he was 2 months old. i have been tracking his sleep intake & not letting him take as long naps, ( he was taking between 30 mins - 2 hrs) but the 2 hrs are rare. but he will fight w us abt going to sleep when i originally want him to, which is between 7:30-8:30 depending. he goes to bed @ damn near midnight & i just want him back on his original schedule & he fights me with it!
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Mine is 8 months old and she’s been fighting her sleep was going to bed T about the same time now she won’t go to bed until 10 and when I go to lay her down she cries forever she was doing so good in her own bed and it’s like we backtrack could be due to the fact she just had two teeth popped out but idk what to do I basically get no sleep

My LO was a great night sleeper at 3 months. And about 6.5 months that went out the window. He will not put himself to sleep anymore. I try to let him cry it out but it breaks my heart. Currently holding him now. I put him to bed at 730 and he's been up twice since. Co sleeping is the only way he will sleep peacefully.

Babies are going through their regressions, try feeding a bigger meal, august babies should be starting solids if not already .. if so try to do bigger solid meal later at night bout 1 hour before and some grass fed butter right before bed 🙏🏼 the regressions are no joke but we got this mammas 🫶🏼

@Jackie Butter is not the solution!

@Katherine butter is not a daily go to , but just like there is no studies it’s good there is also no studies it’s bad, lol you aren’t suppose to give them butter balls or spoonfuls and not all day everyday everything in moderation is healthy, & that’s why I said a meal or a little butter, baby goes to sleep with a full belly means baby sleeps longer, milk before bed is just not doing it anymore and that’s why there are so many wakes. I do a meal sometimes avocado and eggs @ night to have a happy fully belly.

& also what works for one mamma might not work for another, but definitely sharing that light butter here and there and bigger meals about an hour before bedtime has helped with the sleep regression and for our baby to feel full and tired 🙏🏼 if it helps any mom awesome 🫶🏼

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