I am in a similar position and feel the same. Baby started getting really frustrated in January, so I went to bottles full time with pumped milk. But it’s a lot of work essentially doing both, and my supply is also decreasing so I’m pumping less each week to hopefully dry up soon. I wanted to go until he was at least 6 months, but it’s not happening. He is also so much happier and more content now, so I know it’s the best thing for him as I just couldn’t keep up with his demands.
@Gemma I worried he'd start getting upset even more if he's suckling but not getting anything but I'll keep trying 🙂 he does sometimes turn his head and smile at me which is lovely when he's not hungry and just wanting milk!
@Nicole yeah I was hoping to get to 6 months too until we started weaning. I think it's harder as he's showing more interest now but not enough to sustain him at all. He is a happy baby on formula too so know he won't mind it's just us mumma's who overthink it!
Breastfeeding works on supply and demand so if he is feeding from the breast you will keep producing. Obviously the less you remove, the less you produce and baby may get frustrated of there isn’t enough volume. FYI I switched from nursing to pumping and my journey is coming to an end this weekend when he’ll be 5 months. I wanted to get to 6 months and I’m so close but mentally I’m just done. I’m really at peace with it now but also sad. Be proud of yourself and do what feels right for you.
Your baby is so much more efficient than any pump at getting milk from you. He will be getting milk even when the pump can't. If you're able to put him on the breast a few times a day that's brilliant! For what it's worth, towards the end of breastfeeding with my daughter when she was naturally weaning we would feed just once a day as part of the evening routine, even skipping days and I was still shocked to see a bit of milk dribble when I was sure my boobs were empty and we were just dry nursing. Also you're not a failure whatsoever. I find pumping so stressful and I just don't get on with it at all! Go easy on yourself and remove the pressure you're putting yourself under, and maybe just nurse with the expectation that it's for comfort whenever he's showing interest, and see what happens. Remember that if ANY breastfeeding is happening at all, you're breastfeeding. So even if your baby literally gets a teaspoon of milk, they're still getting all of the benefits of breastfeeding. You're doing great ❤️
I’m in a similar situation. My story is very long but I’ve basically been exclusively pumping for months due to endless BFing struggles. I’ve had cracked nipples for 2 months now that won’t heal because I have to pump every 4 hours day and night I’ve now had mastitis 4 times in a row and have decided my journey is coming to an end at least on my left boob. A few days ago I’ve started letting it dry up. I feel very sad about it I’m still pumping on my right boob atm but will give up entirely if the mastitis returns straight away again. But I’m hardly getting anything out my right boob all of a sudden and I have no idea why Sorry, just wanted to say I totally empathise with you and totally understand the heartbreak that comes with not being able to continue with breastmilk. It has hit me so hard and I am not normally an emotional person I would say if you want to increase your supply you will need to pump and breastfeed much more often. Every 3 hours including in the night. It’s a
It’s a big big task to increase a supply at this late stage I think. I think it can be done but is a massive labour of love. You may well feel that it is too demanding of you and you have done amazing to get this far , as have I. We are superwomen. 🦸🏼♂️ if you (& I) need to go to 100% formula then we have done our absolute damndest for our babbas. X
Have you checked for a tongue tie. My first would come off screaming and it was because he was tongue tied and struggling with that deep latch. It was missed at birth
@Elle I had many midwifes and lactation consultants visit me in hospital (was in for a week after birth) but my body was just too stressed to start my supply until I was home and then I felt too poorly to feed. I received so much advice but it just makes you feel worse sometimes. They also make pumping look so easy, I thought I'd be pumping and doing the dishes, hoovering, cuddling my child 😅 in reality I found it very isolating, not very comfortable (got cramps quite often whilst pumping!) And when you need to hold a reflux baby upright most of the time just isn't easy! I can't imagine how much harder it would be having cracked nipples and mastisis on top of that. You've really been through the mill and I probably would have given up long ago so just shows how strong you are! Yeah I tried special tea, oats, coconut milk and every now and then got extra pumps in but I just couldn't keep up the frequency. I've decided my last pump is tonight and I'm going to have a glass of wine!
Absolutely! My best friend just fed morning before a bottle and evening after a bottle and baby was super happy with that You've done amazingly x
Same here regarding the amount of advice. Bit overwhelming and lots of different opinions even from professionals. I was able to do chores etc while I pumped at least however every pump was painful or at best uncomfortable :( So happy for you on your decision tonight , you really deserve that big glass of wine 😊🦸🏼♂️
You would be surprised mine dropped to 20 ml a day when I was producing about 300 ml a day because my lo started doing the same thing, he was crying any time I put him near me. It really stressed me out and upset me. And I couldn't be bothered to be pumping all the time because it was hard to hold him while I was doing this. But I've got a breast pump that is Wireless and the cups sit in my bra. It's the medella swing maxi hands free. For a week I had it on non-stop. I would literally stop for 10 minutes and turn it back on. I'm back up to what I was getting before now. So if you really want to do it that's the only thing I can advise but I'm so glad I did it because my one is suddenly wanting to breastfeed again. I was saying to my partner once it dries up it's done I'm not going to keep fighting it. Luckily it didn't fully dry up and I managed to get it back. I will say that breastfeeding three times a day isn't really enough to keep it going as well you do need to do it more than that. I just give ..
My breast at every feed first so that he empties both of them and then give him his bottle after that. That's the days that he's with me because I've got my own business so im working four days a week for a full day so while I'm at work I'm pumping. It's not easy and all my clients do laugh that I've constantly got the breast pump on. But I'm so glad that I didn't let it dry out because I was so close to Just Giving Up. It did hurt and upset me so much when he was just screaming and crying every time I tried to offer him my breast. Now it's crazy he will fall asleep on there and be really comforted by it again. Again it wasn't easy. I was pumping all day long, basically pumping at nothing as well but it worked, being hydrated makes a massive difference and eating enough food because I'm not a big eater as well. Hope you can get it back if that's what you want xx
I also bought a pack of flanges with all different sizes in there from amazon that fit into my breast pump, and basically went through all of them until I had the one that felt like it had the best suction and gave me the most milk. Flange size makes a huge difference if you're not doing it from breastfeeding and it's just from pumping x
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Trusted by 5M+ women
Oh amd taking fenugreek supplements, sorry a lot of infront at once lol. I'm also 4.5 months post partum x
I've only just read everybody else's comments and your replies, you have done amazing and if you're ready to stop then enjoy that glass of wine lol. A lot of people saying that pumping was painful and they got cracked nipples, I'm 99% sure that that's due to flange size. It makes such a difference and most pumps only come with two sizes. I've got tiny nipples and the breast pump only came with 24 mm and 21mm and I have to use a 16 mm flange! So you can see how much of a difference in size I have to use. I never would have got on with pumping, and got my milk back up if I stuck with the ones that came in the box and didn't have the inserts I brought to change the size x
@Elizabeth thank you, I have been wondering about the flange size , but I looked on a size guide and it just said nipple shouldn’t be touching sides but also shouldn’t have big gaps either side. Mine seems fine bang in the middle. I just use the elvie stride as it came (no inserts). So I have no idea how to know if my flange size is wrong and in which direction?! But yes my nipples are just ruined😫
@Elle so basically when you put your nipple in there you should have a millimeter either side of your nipple before it starts sucking, so basically a millimeter gap all the way around. So they should be pretty snug but the easiest way for me was just to buy the full set of Flanges and just keep trying them and I was quite surprised how small it was that I actually needed it in the end. The amount of my clients who are moms that asked me if I'm in pain when I'm doing it, because it really hurt them is crazy! Because I don't have any pain at all. Correct sizing makes all the difference because I did have pain before that, I used to get blisters on my nipples and everything. I lost so many bits of skin when I wasn't fitting properly . Now I can pump all day comfortably. I forget it's there half the time x
@Elle hey were you the one who said about mastitis? I was using the stride 2 but kept getting clogged ducts and then low output and I don’t think it was emptying me properly. I switched to a spectra (plug in) as my main pump and honestly never had any issues. Not something I wanted to use as I wanted the flexibility but portables aren’t ideal as your main pump. You can use the stride cups instead of the ones that hang off your nipple. With nipple damage you likely have the wrong flange size or your settings are too high. I’ve been exclusively pumping for 4 months and the only time I had sore nipples was when i was using the wrong flange size. Also you can buy flange size guides from Amazon its card with little holes in your measure your flange size. Flange size makes a massive difference in output. Also you should change your duckbill valve regularly as that can affect suction. I joined a Facebook group for exclusively pumping and there’s so many helpful tips in there!
@Elizabeth with my pump I can’t really see well enough once it’s on my nipple to see if there’s a mm either side. So maybe my only option would also be to buy a full size range of flanges. Yes I’ve been loosing skin, getting blisters , cracks , pain, burning when pumping, you name it! 😭 thank you so much for your advice!
@Abi yes I keep having mastitis. I’m thinking it may be too late for me to splash out on a new pump as I’m letting left boob dry up and for some reason my right boob now hardly gives out anything. I’m sure as you’ve both said my flange size is probably wrong then, I just didn’t know how to check / know really . Thanks so much. Might order the Amazon card. Just worried my supply will be almost gone by the time anything new arrives 😭
@Elle definitely get the flanges! Amazon do the whoke box of sizes for like £10 ill find my ones and post back, one sec, when there's too much room you get friction from too much skin being sucked in constantly x
@Elle 4PCS Flange Inserts... https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0CSFMJM31?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
@Elle best £8 I ever spent
@Elizabeth oh amazing thanks so much!!!!! Did you also see the PM I sent you? Thank you so much 🤍
@Elizabeth just ordered with next day delivery !!
Your husband is right, it’s amazing to get this far well done! Pumping is a real commitment. It’s probably worth still putting him on the boob if you want to, even if he doesn’t get much milk he’ll still get the comfort and it’s a nice thing for the two of you ☺️