I went back at 9 months and pumped at work 2-3x initially while at work, then gradually reduced to 2x, 1x then stopped when we could introduce cows milk during the day and only breastfed morning and evening. It was a real pain and disruptive (even with my work being really well set up for it).
Thanks both!
Have a stash of milk in the freezer as I don’t feel like I pump as much as I give in the bottle. If your baby doesn’t have a bottle introduce one now each day as it’s a nightmare trying to do it later. I’ve had three breast pumps and the Medela swing seemed the least complicated in terms of parts to wash. A bra for pumping with the holes in so you’re not having to hold it. a freezer bag and block to keep it cold.
I went back to work just after her first birthday. I pumped so she could have a bottle in the morning/during the day then she breastfed as soon as I got home from work. She's 2 now and no sign she's going to give up soon but she's also completely fine during the day without breastmilk if I'm at work.