I still breastfeed, and similar to you, it is at nighttime and as comfort. My LO goes to nursery, so in the week, it is only at nighttime - on the weekends, it can be a little more, as it is a comfort. Since I have been back at work, I feel my supply has gone down a little. I still quite enjoy that contact and bond, so I am happy to carry on for now. My LO can go to sleep without it on the days daddy puts him to bed, so I don't feel breast is the only option for nighttime.
Mine is nearly 14months and I still breastfeed first thing in morning and last thing at night, it's comforting for him and I like the bonding too. I will probably wean over the next few months so it's just before bed only as I feel if he's having a varied diet he won't need it but emotionally I'll continue for a while yet, maybe till he's 2 or beyond, not sure
WHO recommends breastfeeding until 2. My first child stopped themselves at 20 months… they were ready and I wasn’t as I was willing to start weaning them off at 2. My Jan baby is 14 months with no signs of stopping yet. I am going to take their lead. They get cows milk when not with me but breastfed morning, as soon as they are home and night. I am just going to let them decide when they are ready.
I breast fed my daughter till she was about 2 and a half xx
My baby girl is 13 months also and a boobie addict! She cries for it every day multiple times. If I’m around she wants it. I see not let up and just invested in a couple of nice nursing bras so plan to do for a while yet!
My almost 14month old is still breastfeeding. In morning, before naps if I’m the one putting her to sleep and also at bedtime for comfort .. especially as she’s teething. She even wakes once the night and wants it. I will carry on with it until around 2 or until if she stops herself earlier
Still breastfeeding my 14 month old, she feeds before nap on days she isn’t at nursery, before bed and through the night if she wakes. sometimes more if unwell or teething. would ideally like her to take the lead with weaning rather than me!
My 17months old boy is still breastfed 🥰 You can stop when you want even if she want it or not x Mine want the boob just in the morning, before his nap and sometimes he wants before dinner like desperately and again before bedtime🥰 Do whatever you feel is better for her BUT for you as well, i know how hard it is xx