Has anyone else struggled with agoraphobia or is currently struggling?

I developed agoraphobia when I was pregnant unfortunately-my child will be 3 soon. I went from never leaving the apartment or even being able to look through windows for more than 5 seconds to now going out for anything really other than super crowded events but only if I’m accompanied by someone-typically my bf. I will go out alone if I absolutely have to which is rarely. I feel a lot of guilt because I wish I did more outside of my home with my child or even just for myself. I know I’m improving still and have a lot but Its so devastating-I never pictured my life to be like this after having a child. I pictured going out all the time and making amazing memories. I used to be so full of life and confident-I hate it.
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I developed it when I was in year 9 I think it's horrible. At that time didn't know what it was. Pulled myself out somehow managed to get a job at 16 and vowed to myself to always get out each day. I'm now 34 with 2 kids so always out and never stop. Have you spoken to a GP? Your not alone 🥰

@Jess Thats great that you recovered! I haven’t spoken to anyone about it but I feel like Im at a point where I would comfortably.

That's a great starting point 😊 Maybe try and set yourself some goals of walking to a certain place one day....going into a shop another week to buy something and leave etc...build it up slowly baby steps 🥰

@Jess For sure, thanks 😊

I had agoraphobia really bad before I got pregnant and I overcame it with therapy mostly. But I ended up moving temporarily to a very very isolated small town (like I was often one of the only people outside sometimes and night was eerily quiet lol) it was helpful though. I started with just walking around town or on public trails. Then I’d walk to a cafe and sit inside the entire time while I finished my drink. That was soooo hard for me but I’d have headphones in and just try to meditate almost. Then I transitioned to going inside to several stores in one trip and just looking at things (not buying things made me feel way worse so the challenge was just looking and then leaving) eventually Id go to the cafe at busy hours and do things like draw. I just took it slow. Didn’t push myself on bad days. Im not perfectly over it but I don’t consider myself agoraphobic anymore. I’m sorry you are struggling. Maybe there’s an area or even a mall near you that’s super quiet/not busy?

@Vivian Thanks for sharing-I definitely should start setting some goals cause I usually just wait til I need to do something or someone invites me rather than choosing to go out. I dream of moving somewhere more isolated, it would definitely help. Thats the plan but probably wont be for awhile til my partner and I get our money up to be able to move. I usually go to this little toddler park up the road and no ones usually there and browsing stores is something doable for me-ill have to try multiple in one trip next time! I struggle to browse without buying too lol my next challenges are going to the dentist alone at the end of the month as well as going to a busy public space for my kiddos bday so hopefully that goes well. Thanks for the tips!

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