I do not understand my newborn

I am really struggling to work out my newborns needs. I can’t tell what’s a feeding cue or what’s just active sleep. He doesn’t really cry. I am formula feeding so aware how I could possibly overfeed. How long does it rake to understand them?! Feeling like a terrible mum.
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It takes a little while and tbh its trial and error! How old is your little one? I like to think of them as little human tamagotchis haha you just work through the list of possible needs ie, change nappy, feed, hot or cold, upset tummy, comfort...at some point you start figuring out what could be wrong a little sooner but we won't know straight away until they can talk! My oldest is 18 months and I still don't understand what he wants sometimes 🤣

This is my second and I still don’t understand.. He will cry for a solid hour in evening sometimes and I go on rotation of what he might need 😂 something somewhere makes him stop but it’s never the same thing the next night, it’s all a guessing game but yeah don’t feel like a terrible mum just keep doing what you’re doing 🩷

This may not work for everyone, but I read and looked into all the different cries and it really works for me to help me understand my baby. My baby girl is constantly ‘rooting’ or opening her mouth looking like she is starving, but got frustrated when I tried to feed her as that’s not what she wanted. I felt like before I listened to the sound of her cries, I was making it worse and frustrating her, as I was offering her the breast constantly and she wasn’t hungry, since listening to the cries I can work it out quite quickly. Supposedly, a ‘NEH’ cry is hunger and ‘HEH’ is discomfort, ‘EH/EARGH’ is gas/stomach and ‘OH’ is sleepy etc. Like I said, maybe not with every baby, but I definitely feel like this is accurate for me and my little one and has helped so much, worth giving it a try ❤️

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