We can definitely see the difference in ours if he’s not eaten his usual amount during a 24 hour period. Is there a reason the formula has dropped? X
@Jess I found BF quite difficult to begin with, so we started combi feeding due to that. I’m finding it a lot easier now, so we’ve cut down on the formula x
My wee boy the same if he doesn’t have a last bottle he wakes up more in the night (1 to 3 times random) so if falls asleep at 7/8 and if he hasn’t had the last bottle we wake him at like 10/11 feed half the bottle, turn lights off feed other half then he falls asleep nearly straight away again and sleep til 6 mostly or a few times 5 or 7am That’s what works for us we not on a set schedule but he has about 5/6 bottles a day and if he only has 4 we wake him for the 5, he’s 3 months and being doing that for about 3 weeks works brilliant