I’m only on day 4, so not trying to advise you as you’re already beyond me, hopefully some encouragement though as You’ve already giving your babe something amazing! It is not easy for sure! Have you tried different positions during feeding? Crosscraddle vs football etc? I had a sore spot after only two days and switched up the latch position and it helped immediately. I found out my area has a baby cafe where they talk about how breastfeeding is going and give tips and encouragement, I am planning to try that just for encouragement! Lactation has a text number here too, not sure if they do where you’re at?
@Emma yes the hospital pump works sooo much better! Last night I was finally able to get 1oz of breast milk in one sesh with one of my pumps which gave me a little more hope! Now to fix this milk bleb!
@Emma I did have 2 of those and I thought I had 4 but they are amazing and I need to get more!
I suggest seeing a lactation consultant if you can. They will weigh your baby before after feeding to see how much they are really getting and can help fix any issues you may be having with latching!
@Melissa yeah I’ve seen 4 lol
@Allie oh 🙈 you could try taking a lechithin supplement for the blebs. Were they able to address your concerns over supply?
@Melissa yeah they just all say to keep pumping every 2-3 hours for 15 mins. Last night was the first time I actually pumped an oz in 15 mins so I think my supply is finally coming in but now I have to figure out getting rid of this bleb
I feel you!!! Im 14 days PP and had to start with formula on day 2. Exclusively pumping while you figure out breastfeeding is HARD! my baby still hasn’t been able to latch :( I’d highly recommend getting an appointment with a lactation consultant if you can through insurance, mine was able to help me with my pump settings and accessories so it was more comfortable and my insurance also let me take a hospital grade pump home for 2 months on rent and it’s been working so much better than the one I bought! So if you can get in touch with a lactation consultant I’d highly recommend. But also there is nothing wrong with formula and just feeding your baby is the best you can do  you’re doing great!