Thank you so much. I’ve been so over my head about it 😭. Googled liked crazy and everything’s saying do not go past 4 hours. And I’m like this girl is FULL😅. Thank you so much. Guess I’m back off to sleep then😂 x
She was born 7lbs 15oz and a week ago today she weighed 8lbs 8oz so I think she’s okay weight wise? Not sure what she is now
@Emma she sounds perfect! Go get some extra sleep 💕
I've been told that once they regain their birth weight, you don't need to be so stringent with the 3 hour rule, particularly at night time. If they feed a lot during the day, they won't need so much during the night. If they are typically still having around 8 feeds in 24 hours and producing at least 6 heavy wet nappies then everything is fine. Take the extra sleep stretches at night where you can!
I don't think a baby will ever willingly starve it's self, I would just let her go back to sleep and try again in like an hour if she doesn't wake you up sooner
She will wake when she hungry I would leave her. Express if ur awake and keep the milk level up but yeah. Never wake a sleeping baby
She’s fine but if you’re ever worried, it’s better to call the national breastfeeding helpline, I believe they are open 24 hours a day 0300 100 0212. Also your maternity ward at the hospital may have a similar service. Google search can send you down a dark path very easily
Once above birth weight let them wake up for feeds. Dont wake them.
@Paula this point is important. Pump or express to keep your supply up, but let the baby sleep until she wakes for food since she is above birth weight.
My son did that a few times , he be up a little bit before he got hungry like 20 to 30 mins sometimes it was longer but not over an hour and then he take a bottle or boob, I say wait till she saying she's ready maybe she just wants to be up a bit before she eats
I say worry about the feeds every 3 hours only when under birth weight! Let her sleep, love! And maybe you could get more sleep too 😭
I was the exact same when my little one was this age. They will tell you when they want feeding. Mines not 12weeks and he sleeps for 12hours a time... defo not waking him... I want my sleep too😂
Not related since so much advice has been given but what app is this?
Oh absolutely let her sleep and wake you when she’s ready. Her stomach is getting bigger now and she can handle more sleep stretches. Every baby is different. As long as she’s not underweight there’s no worries about letting them sleep as long as they want. For instance my friends baby started out day 1 with 8 hour sleeps at night and just eating a ton during the day. Baby will find calories either way!