I've done this many times. It must be sleep deprivation! I look at my little one in his next to me perfectly tucked in and I can't remember having put him down but obviously have 🙊
Yes I had this really bad with my first baby, Everytime I woke up I would be in a huge panic. He was always in the next to me or with his dad. It did stop eventually, probably when I was a bit less sleep deprived. Having to cosleep with this baby as he will not go down and haven't had this at all this time even though he is in our bed.
@Jess We co-sleep too, but I'm not sure how long we should continue. When do you plan on transitioning your LO back?
Yep definitely really terrifying when you wake up thinking little one has rolled out the bed when he is actually sound asleep in his bassinet.
Yes!! I use to do this with my first and now started happening with my second too 😂 it’s so scary!!
@Kemi I transitioned my oldest from co-sleeping to sleeping alone in his room at around 8 months, he took to it really well I think because he was super happy with sleep due to being in with us till he was ready. He showed us signs he wasn't sleeping that well in our room anymore (ie we kept waking him up) so we knew he was ready, every child is different so just have to be intuitive to what your bub needs and also what works for you 🤗🌸
I have done this and like you don’t co sleep. I’ve dreamt I’ve been passed baby and fallen asleep 🙈
@Kemi I don't really have any plans. We ended up cosleeping after the 4 months sleep regression with our first to survive the nights and he only recently went in his own bed and he's 3 years old now, he just wasn't ready and neither was I since he's always slept so much better next to me. Sleep is so up and down with a baby so I just do what I need to survive. Didn't plan to cosleep from birth with this one but the baby had other plans so I'm just going with the flow. Obviously what's right for you and your baby might be different.
This sounds like PPA and very common. I had it so bad with my first and found it quite hard to manage. The panic/fear that shoots through you is so awful. It did eventually stop after several months. Strangely not had it yet with my second. I coslept on occasion with my first (though she mainly was in her own sleep space or wouldn’t least start the night there) and have done a little bit with my second but actually never had quite the same panic when we were cosleeping. I guess with cosleeping you know they are in the bed and have it setup safely. But unplanned cosleeping is risky and I guess after feeding her, I’d wake panicked I hadn’t put her back and she was under the covers but I had in fact put her back. It will pass but also don’t hesitate to ask for help.
Same. Had many a freak out just assuming baby is asleep on me and there he is in his cot