We use a dummy, hold him on his side (belly to belly), plenty of bum pats and shushing - if we get it right then it doesn’t take long. A little bit over and we hear about it 🙃 as we don’t have set times that he sleeps, we use Huckleberry and the sweet spot predictor, and this helps me start settling 10-15 mins before he actually needs to nap, which seems to work - it’s been very accurate for us so far x
it’ll kill your body (but great for your booty in the long run 😅) pacing up and down the stairs for like 10 minutes whilst holding mine always sends him off!! i just pretend i’m on a stair master at the gym 🤣
I follow his queues, he gets flushed brows so I then change nappy, put him in a sleep sack, put him in the cosleeper tuck him in, put the noise machine and mobile and I rocked the cosleeper (ours have wheels) the rocking and patting need to go for at least 15 mins. If it doesnt work, maybe check for gasses stuck either Burp or farts so patting in the middle of the back and bum would do the trick to get anything out. At that age My son would hate to have a wet nappy so if he did a small wee we would need to change him again. Also make sure he has eaten so if you breastfeed then make sure you do feed him before putting bubs down in the cot. So the order that i did was boob and bottle feed, Burp, nappy change, Burp again (after lying down for a nappy change sometimes more burps or farts come out), sleep sack, tuck in cosleeper with dummy, rock and gentle touch his head and forehead You need to be consistent and stick to a routine. Babies take from 1 to 2 weeks to learn a new routine
so expect that he is going to be defiant for a few days as he doesn't know what's going on. Babies love routine, it makes them feel secure as they know whats coming. My son is 14 months old and since 7 weeks old he know his night routine and he is so good to settle down.
Persistence and consistency. Put him down everyday at the same time if he wakes at the same time every morning. My LO doesn’t wake up the same time every morning. She wakes between 6:30 - 8am so I don’t follow a certain time. I wait for the cues and from there I give more 10-15min wake so she gets very tired and sleep straight away once she hits the bed. Otherwise, she cries for a good 10 min before sleep which I try to avoid. Xx