Bedroom doors - open or closed?

Just curious as to what others do at night with bedroom doors. Do you leave both yours and children's doors open? Do you close all doors? Do you have one open and one closed? Little chap is still in with us at the minute (house reno mixed with him still waking a million times a night) but he'll be trying his own room soon and I dont know what you do! I have a camera/monitor as well. Thank you!
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We close both. The recommend closing doors at night for fire safety reasons

@Neha oh that's such a good point that didn't cross my mind! Thank you! I like the bedroom door shut because I have an overactive imagination and would be worried about monsters getting me 😂

I shut both so less noises disturbing everyone

I pull the doors but don’t shut them as they make so much noise to open and close

Shut- as above, fire safety.

Ours are ajar

All doors shut for fire safety. Even when we're out the house we close the doors

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