Crying after naps

Does anyone else’s baby cry when they wake from their nap? Baby only napping around 45 mins at a time at the moment but when he wakes he’s so upset with himself & takes a good 10-15 mins to stop been grumpy.
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I usually try and support back to sleep if he wakes up crying, as I think it's because he is still tiered but struggling to connect sleep cycles. Usually when he's had enough sleep he wakes up pretty happy, eye ls wide open, smiles to see me, but when he is still tiered he wakes up crying and eyes closed trying to self sooth. Could that be it?

Yeh my baby often screams when he wakes from any day nap. As if he’s scared and confused and didn’t know he’d fallen asleep kinda thing! Yet when he wakes up in the night or first thing in the morning he’s all smiles and babbles!

Yeh, I think some babies struggle to transition from asleep to awake and vice versa, I think they dislike the feeling of disorientation. Also think my baby does it more when he wakes up tired or if he hasn't had long enough

Hi, my babe used to wake up upset too so I would gently lay him on his playmat still in his blanket and talk to him quietly and smile and take his hands and put them on my face, not sure why I did that but that really seem to work and snap him out of his mood, i think it helped him realise i am still here and reassure him he is ok. he then started getting less and less grumpy when I did that and now wakes up in reasonable form, doesn't cry anymore. Hope that helps.

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