1 nap 12-1pm x
1 nap between 11-12 for 1-2 hrs. I've heard its normal just them to drop naps all together at this age xx
1 nap , lasting from 2-3 hours x
1 nap 10-12
No naps here, but she’s asleep by 7 and wakes at 8am so it’s working for us 🥰
We’re at 1 still around 11am till about 12:20-12:30. It’s rare she’ll have longer than an hour and 30. I can feel that it’s getting shorter and shorter so I’m assuming she’ll drop it down a lot or altogether in the next few months! 🥲
1 nap 12:30-3
Thanks everyone for your comments! I’m glad there is some people in the same boat as me 💗💗
1 nap 1pm- 3:30pm everyday x sometimes from 12:40pm