How long can I swaddle for?

My girl is 5 months, hasn’t rolled but does try and gets onto her side. I took her arms out 3 weeks ago, but she just will not sleep as she rubs her eyes non stop. I have had very little sleep these past 3 weeks as has she. Put her back in her swaddle tonight and she is sleeping like a dream.
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Rolling onto her side is definitely a sign that she’s ready to roll over, so swaddling wouldn’t be safe at this point.

Try transition swaddle like love to dream that's how we eventually when arms free thought we would never make it my little boy still rubs his face a lot but I think the love to dream helped him get used to his hands by his face without his fingers free

@Nicole my girl is in the love to dream swaddle, I bought the transition swaddle and did one arm out for 3 days then both arms. But 3 weeks on and still not sleeping well because of it.

@GMF I know, that’s why I unswaddled 3 weeks ago but she just cannot stay asleep with her arms out.

You also may have transitioned when she was in the 4 month sleep regression - and since that’s a permanent change in their circadian rhythm it often changes sleep in a way that they don’t “go back” to how they were sleeping before, unfortunately.

Unfortunately it’s not safe to swaddle now so you will have to try the transition again. She will get there eventually, I know that’s not helpful but it is important at this stage. I found it useful having one arm out for 2 nights, then swapping to the other arm out, then going back to the other arm etc. until she was sleeping right through with each arm out, then I did 2 together x

We also use the love to Dream transition swaddles. We did 1 arm out for literally a month, then released the other one about 3 weeks ago and didn’t have any issues… my suggestion would be to go back to just one arm out for a few more nights. Then both arms. Also, when you lay her down keep your hands just close enough that when she swings her hands to her face you can help settle them. My guy still has a bit of a reflex with his arms so when they start dropping (when he’s sleeping) he immediately jerks and wakes up, so I keep my hands on his belly until he has fully settled both arms and he typically doesn’t move again!

I took my daughter to baby gymnastics today, they had a triangle pillow they rolled her from the higher side to lower. I feel like the more she does this faster shell roll on her own

@GMF yes, but she is waking every 10-30 mins, since taking her arms out of the swaddle she hasn’t slept for longer than 45 mins at a time.

@Marissa will give this a go. I did one arm out for 2 nights then went straight to both arms out.

@Amanda will try one arm out for a while again, before doing both arms. Ive tried to keep her arms down while she’s falling asleep but she fights me and gets upset because she wants to rub her eyes.

Try the magic sleep suit or zipidee. They both help with startle reflex

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