Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on First Trimester.
Hi, all beautiful mums to be ❤️ Many of you must be due in May, open to hear your experiences and share mine as well, as its my first pregnancy will like to hear more from other lovelies!❤️👼🏻
Found out I’m pregnant with my second. Due on the 28th September and my little girl will be 1 on the 26th September - excited and nervous too!
Hey mommas Please tell me if I’m overreacting: Today’s my baby’s first month after 4 years of infertility!! I wake up to my husband not even acknowledging that , so naturally I started crying after what felt like I had to fetch words of affirmation out of him. Now he’s mad saying he just woke up and to give him a...
Well , my second born came earlier then expected so I went from a February mommy to a January mommy 🥹 I’m so overwhelmed it was so unexpected and I was ABSOLUTELY NOT PREPARED 😭 5lbs 15oz Jan 21st @ 5:07am ❤️
Hey there! Who else is pregnant right now 👀 Comment how many weeks you are 🥰
🤩 7cm!! I am so ready Is anyone else in labor here yet?
Extra credit do you want to be pregnant this year if you’re not already?
1 week PP now and when I was pregnant my skin in areas had gotten darker, I was wondering if my skin will return to its natural skin tone gradually , would really love my skin colour back!
Any women starting to show already? I'm 9w3d and I'm definitely starting to show. It's my second pregnancy and I know it's common to show sooner with multiple pregnancies but it seems so soon! We weren't planning on telling people I'm pregnant until second trimester but it's becoming obvious
Will be taking more ♥️ Periods due in 3/4 days
Hey mamas! I’m curious how many of y’all have a situation where you thought you may be pregnant right after delivery. I guess at this point just trying to give myself some hope that maybe I’m not pregnant lol 🤍
Hello I am currently a boy mom and expecting my first baby girl in may is there any tips on baby girl that anyone is willing to share! Anything helps I feel like it’s going to be so different!!
Heyy Ladies, when did you share your pregnancy news with your employer/boss? Im due in June and was planning to wait until Feb end since Im expecting a raise in March first week. The dilemma is that my boss is involving me in big projects and wants to give me full authority over them. I’m just worried she might feel...
Just had the call for the date of my planned c-section! It’s all exciting and real now!
Hi everyone, Im super excited to be pregnant with my first (even though it’s so so early). My partner and I had been trying for over a year and were in the process of IVF doing our tests etc because of his low sperm count and we miraculously conceived naturally this month 🥹🥰. Congrats to all of you too ❤️
I have an 8 month old baby and I’ve just found out I’m pregnant again (still early days. Faint test line) but I just don’t know how to feel about it. I’m happy and scared at the same time. How have people coped with 2 under 2? I’m even already thinking about things like I’m gonna need a double pram and how am I go...
I’m 40 weeks today 🥳, I convinced myself that baby would be early but still no signs of him coming ☹️. I feel like I’m the only person that hasn’t had their January baby yet 😫 I’ve been doing curb walking, bouncing on my ball, eating spicy food and nothing , I have a sweep booked in for tomorrow so hoping that…
Comment how you're feeling about how many kids you have, if you want more or if you're done!
So my LG is going to be 7 months in 10days!!! Girls where has the time gone?? I feel like I should have my tiny new baby🥲 anyway, I know to some I’m thinking way ahead but when maternity pay is so shit I need to! What are you going to get your little ones for their first birthday?? I have a girl for some girly…
I really want to be excited for my pregnancy, I’m 6 weeks but right now my emotions are just all over. I always wanted to be a mom until about a few years ago. It breaks my heart that I’m not jumping for joy. But I am blessed to be carrying. Maybe when I start telling people or when my bf finds a job I’ll be happy? ...