Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Second Trimester.
Anyone that’s used sneak peak at home in the UK, how long did it take you to receive your results once sent off? Also was it accurate for you?
I just did my first preggo run and it felt so weird! I felt really guilty jiggling the baby around even though I know it’s safe 😱 seems to trigger the round ligament pain too! Anyone else experience this? I used to run 3 times a week but haven’t been able to bring myself too since getting pregnant. I did have to…
Is there anyone else that gets worried that their baby is on the lower centile. How do you get rid of the anxiety?
Hey girlies🥰 I was just wondering when to start collecting colostrum? I’m 35 weeks is it safe to start now?
Hey! I am 16 weeks pregnant and starting at about 8 weeks I have been having the embarrassing issue of severe chest and back acne. It’s not something I have ever dealt with before and it’s not only embarrassing but also uncomfortable! Is anyone else dealing with this during their pregnancy, and what are you doing fo...
2 weeks until I meet baby. I havnt felt how I thought I would throughout pregnancy. I thought I would feel bonded with my bump but still feels so surreal. I don’t know my baby’s gender and I’m really anxious for birth and next chapter. I’m worried how I will feel when baby arrives. What if the anxiety stays and I st...
At my appointment today the midwife found glucose in my urine. I already had the gestational diabetes test at the start of January that came back all fine. Did anyone else get this? What happened?
Anybody got anything that worked for them even slightly ? Just like foods or mints or anything? I’m a woman on the edge 🤣 even the smell of my own skin is making me dry heave 🤣
*Do not want to worry anyone who is pregnant with their first, this relates to a second pregnancy. Is it normal for the movements to feel strong so soon? I'm 21 weeks and the radiographer last week asked if I was getting movements and I said yes, they said "it'll be like butterflies". This really doesn't feel like ...
Is anyone else so nervous to have another baby? My daughter will be 2 in May and i feel like i have everything under control. She is on the best schedule and sleeps great, also i am worried about her getting jealous. Also, my pregnancy was stressful at the end i had Preeclampsia. My labor was scary as well i was in...
I’ve just been prescribed promethazine for my sickness and nausea. I’m feeling a bit nervous about taking it as I haven’t heard of antihistamines being used for anti sickness. Has anyone taken this before in first trimester? Thanks xx
Anyone else having irregular periods after birth. My first two were really regular on monthly cycle and my third one is now quite a few days late. I'm pretty certain I'm not pregnant - we've only had sex once this month (post birth iykyk), and used protection but period still showing no signs of arriving which is...
Hey, this is my first pregnancy I’m currently 14w 2 days and I’m constantly worried about whether baby is okay. Does anyone else have this same problem?
I’ve been told not to trust CB tests. But I swear I can see a vvvvvvvfl there. I’ll post the no edited test in the comments and the strip test was a complete a BFN.
I had a one hour glucose tolerance test but now my provider is making me do the three hour one. I know you can pass if you drink a lot of water and walk around but that’s something that they don’t let you do when taking it so I was just wondering if anyone has passed without doing any of that?
This morning at 8:06 AM, I gave birth to my second child at 36 weeks pregnant. She weighs 5 pounds 2 ounces, I was checked in for induction last night because I have preeclampsia with severe features, Baby and I are doing good and hopefully going home tomorrowif everything continues to go well... Mama's listen to yo...
I am currently supposed to 8weeks pregnant with twins but all I have is gestational sacs with no embryos in either sac and both have stopped growing 2 weeks ago. My doctor has prepared me to miscarry, this is my second miscarriage (last one being 13wks). I am depressed and still feeling morning sickness and cravin...
Anyone good either nub theory? Due baby number 2 at the end of June! 20 weeks scan is soon and wondering what people’s thoughts are? Skull theory I would say girl??Not great with nun theory lol Scan photo is from 15+6 weeks ✨
Has anyone else been asked just to test before meals and before bed rather than after meals ? On 5 days of the week I test this way and on the other 2 days I test before meals and 2 hours after. But I feel like if I’m just testing before main meals the majority of the week can I not be missing problems with my sugar...
I am not sure when my last period was I was guessing around 24th December but I am 100% positive that we conceived on January 5th or 6th. The ER doctor is saying I am six weeks. I believed this up until I started doing my own math and six weeks just doesn’t add up. If we conceived on January 5 or 6, wouldn’t my due ...